

Keeping college students safe on and off campus is our mission. Simple and effective tips build awareness and confidence while reducing complacency and bad habits.
This web site, blog, question and answer section, and newsletter are used to communicate and educate students and their parents on current topics that make them aware of current trends in safety and security relating to students.

Through our blogs, you will learn:

  • How to increase your awareness
    You will learn why it is necessary to not become complacent in your daily routines.
    How identify threats before they become a problem.
  • How to ask the tough questions before you need the answers.
  • How to be prepared to face any challenge and rise above it.

Explore our site, post your own questions, chat with us and review the information at your own pace.

Take advantage of the links highlighted within our posts, they will direct you to products that either provide protection or direct you to sources that provide information on awareness and staying safe.